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Friday, November 14, 2014

My DeviantArt Gallery- Favorite Arts from my Old Blog

#Deviantart #MerryLurker #Art #Morochey #Mermaids, #Characters #Original #Digital #Traditional #Pencil #Painting

   Today I take on the task of moving the art from my old blog over to the DeviantArt gallery for my new one. It's kind of like the digital equivalent of cleaning my room. This is so, of course, in the sense that it's totally tedious, and takes forever. However, it's also so in the sense that I'm rediscovering a bunch of my cool old stuff.

   I'm going to toss up some of my favorites, along with a link to my Gallery. I still have a lot more to add, so if you like what you see, feel free to follow me on DA.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Jvloggers! Three Awesome YouTube Channels About Japan

#Japan #Jvlog #Jvlogger #YouTube #Rachel&Jun #MexicanSamurai100 #Unrested #Culture
        Let's learn a new word. Well, okay, maybe you already knew this one...  but humor me.

       Jvlogger: (Jay-vlog-er) n. One who has a video-blog (or "vlog") about Japan.

       YouTube is awesome. It just is. You can learn, be entertained, and hear from people all around the world; and all you have to do is click and watch. One great example of this is the J-vlogger community. Through fun, informative videos from the point of view of gaijin (foreign persons) in Japan, they're helping to bridge the cultural gap between the once-secluded, conservative island country and the western world. Whether you're planning to visit Japan, or are just interested in what it's like over there, any of these videos a good way to spend a few minutes of your day.

       Here I'll share a few of my favorite channels; along with videos, why they sparked my interest in the first place, and how they kept my attention.